Express Yourself Asking for clarification
Asking for clarification
When you are given some information or asked to do something, you may need to check that you have understood correctly. Here are some ways of asking people to clarify what they said:
I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand.
Would you mind explaining that again? I’m not sure that I’ve understood correctly.
Sorry, I don't quite follow (you).
Can I just check that I’ve got this right?
I’m not quite/exactly clear about/really sure what I’m supposed to do.
Sorry, could you repeat that? I didn’t hear what you said.
Sorry, would you mind repeating what you just said?
If I understand you correctly, you want me to phone the customer and apologise?
Do you mean (to say) that the deal's off?
What exactly are you saying?
So you're saying that the meeting's cancelled?
Sorry, did you mean that I should wait here or come back later?
Can you just confirm your date of birth for me, please?